Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pittsburgh Weddings | A Quick Stop at Starbucks

On my wedding day I made sure I had my coffee, but it was purchased before I ever got dressed. With the cold and dreary day we had yesterday, that first cup wasn't enough. I should have known we would stop at Starbucks in Moon Township on our way back from getting some pictures. I covered my first car's floor mats in a lovely chai and white mocha mix getting this particular bride (and myself of course) coffee a few years ago. The things we do for coworkers... So the lovely limo driver stopped for us while the bridal party, limo driver and I got Starbucks and the boys got fries at McDonald's. Seriously an amazing pit stop and the people there LOVED it. So you know I just had to take a few shots of the rings...

I seriously took a million shots, I couldn't get enough.

Just a few different shots, I couldn't pick one favorite!

Now I want a pumpkin spice latte. I've got a lot to edit so there should be a couple more posts this week!

1 comment:

  1. That would make a nice wedding proposal idea! I remember how my own husband proposed to me at the Long Island country club and how lovely that moment was.
